Sunday, March 1, 2009

36 Weeks

Only 4 weeks to go. Right now it is just hard to sleep because I am so uncomfortable. Other than that, I haven't had any problems. We can't wait to welcome our little one into the world and no, we haven't picked out a name yet.


  1. WOW!! I am so excited to find your blog. It showed up on my tracker. Cole has gotten so big!! I hope you have that baby soon. I only made it to 36 weeks once and I know how uncomfortable it can be. Good Luck. I will keep myself posted hehe.

  2. I'm glad things are going well. Hopefully he'll come a little early for you! I remember the end being tough...hang in there.

  3. You look great! Can't wait for your little one to get here!! It is so close! Glad February is over so we can move on to March and sun!!

  4. Yeah. Your babe will be here in no time!

  5. Look at you! :) We are so excited to find your blog and keep up with you guys. We miss you!
