Friday, November 5, 2010


Cole was a zombie. He was able to dress up at school.
But his mask was really scary so he didn't wear it much.
Brady was really scared of all the masks and would start crying. Poor guy, not his favorite holiday. He was Spiderman. They didn't go trick or treating this year, I had to work and Jason was planning on going to our ward's trunk or treat but they had it last week.

Pumpkin Patch

We took the kids to an awesome pumpkin patch in Rupert this year that had all kinds of pumpkins.

My favorite were the cinderella pumpkins.

We went with Jason's cousin Austin and his family and Brock.


I decided work during the beet harvest this year. It only lasted a few weeks but we worked 14 hour days 6 days a week. I worked past Rupert in like Minidoka or somewhere close to that.
I worked in a tarehouse shown above on a piler.
Trucks pull up and my job was to track the truck number and take samples from every 3rd truck from the same grower and field. Beets are fed onto a hopper and carried up, the dirt is filtered onto another belt that is weighed and then the beets are dumped into a huge pile to be carried away later. The samples come through a tube into a bag.
Here's a picture of a busy day. We had 3 pilers at our dump. I was helping out in #1 for a little bit.
I worked in piler #2. The sampling was a lot different than the other two pilers. In ours, we had to place a bucket onto a lever that would catch beets. Then we took it inside and dumped it onto a tray with a bag attached at the bottom and then we would pick up the bag and toss it into a crate down below. Our piler was also up high, not on the ground like the others.
This was the biggest beet I saw, also the first one to be captured in my bucket. It was HUGE!
My co-worker Faith! We had so much fun and we carpooled together.
The end of the season view of all 3 dumps.
We thought it would be fun to climb the beets.